Boston Gardens Elopement: Artistic Boston Wedding Photographer

Artistic Boston Wedding Photographer

I’m really happy to share with you the beauty of an elopement. I met up with the couple after the two were married at the state house. Due to some weather concerns we moved up their session to a morning one and made sure to take advantage of the unique  Boston Public gardens. We made to sure use the light, but tired to keep to the shade to stay a little cooler. Here are some of my favorites from this lovely couples elopement. I hope you enjoy them. Angelina Rose - Low Res-9Boston Garden Wedding PhotosAngelina Rose - Low Res-13Angelina Rose - Low Res-18Artistic Boston Wedding PhotographerAngelina Rose - Low Res-31Angelina Rose - Low Res-49Angelina Rose - Low Res-50Angelina Rose - Low Res-52Angelina Rose - Low Res-56Elegant Wedding PhotographerAngelina Rose - Low Res-62Angelina Rose - Low Res-66Angelina Rose - Low Res-69Wedding Photographer MA

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