Jessica & Aaron: Family Session

My cousin Jessica and her husband Aaron moved their family up to Massachusetts about a year ago, and Im so happy they did. They just had their second son, so I headed over to their cute little house  on the cape for some pictures of the family. Their oldest son was a little camera shy but after a little bit of coaxing we managed to snap some of him. Their newest edition even smiled for me a few times.

Jess and Aaron, you have a loving beautiful family. Thank you for allowing me into your home to photograph your family. The pleasure was all mine. I’m so happy your family decided to move up from North Carolina. Im sure its nice down there but over here, you’re way closer.  Also, I’m sure in the summer you’re going to be seeing me even more for some beach time fun.

Here are a few of the of my favorites from our session:

Jessica and the smallest one

 The two boysAaron and their oldestHere is the little baby smile, so cute!Nothing better than sleeping children 


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